Year 9 & 10 Coordinator message

It is amazing how fast the year has gone. As the year 9 & 10 Coordinator it has been very interesting seeing how much improvement our students have made. This year we have seen the introduction of Man Cave which I believe was very successful.

Man Cave is a program that is designed to help students deal better with a range of issues such as stress, emotions and the self, values, respectful relationships and leadership and contribution to the world.

There have been a number of activities such as the Morrisby questionnaire, Road Smart incursions, Resume creation workshop, Cyber bullying Incursion, Humanities excursions, Photography and Digital Media Incursion and the Athletics Carnival. As a school one of our focus is developing our students into resilient young men and providing role models so that they are more likely to become good citizens who will contribute to society. Recently Sirius College presented Colours of the World. This was an event that required a significant amount of production, time and effort. There were a number of present and past students that volunteered their time in helping to make the event a success. It is further evidence of the quality of character of our students.

While much has been achieved this year by Sirius College, we are constantly looking at ways to improve our school further and we are looking at some exciting new initiatives next year and beyond. As the school has many sister schools not only around Australia but around the world there are opportunities that are available that cannot be found at other schools.

Hofis Ouaida